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Staff Directory

1 2 3 4 > showing 1 - 20 of 63 constituents

Homer Backer

Building Maintenance
Building & Grounds

James Balderson

High School Night Custodian

Katie Bashus

High School Science Teacher
High School Softball Head Coach

Jolene Boesch

High School Counselor
High School Counseling

Kim Caniglia

High School Assistant Principal
High School Administration

Luke Chadwell

High School Activities/Athletics Director
High School Administration

Ashley Classen

High School Science Teacher
High School Volleyball Assistant Coach, High School Science Department Head

Trey Cossel

High School Mathematics Teacher
High School Girls Soccer Head Coach

Kenny Dasher

High School Custodian

Ernest DeSimone

High School AFJROTC Teacher

Micah Dority

High School Mathematics Teacher

Cynthia Duechting

ELL Teacher

David Dukes

High School Teacher
High School Track Assistant Coach
Special Education

Alex Eggert

High School Football Offensive Coordinator
High School Football Offensive Coordinator

Katie Graves

High School Nurse
Health Services

Kyle Graves

High School English Teacher
Middle and High School HAL Teacher, High School Quiz Bowl Sponsor
HAL Teacher

Carmen Hall

High School Culinary Arts Teacher

Todd Halvorsen

High School Principal
Senior Class Officer
High School Administration

Christina Harvey

High School Assistant Principal
Academy Facilitator
High School Administration

Missy Haswell

High School Special Education Teacher